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Course Descriptions

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Courses numbered 1000-1999 are open to freshmen; 2000-2999 to sophomores; 3000-3999 to juniors; 4000-4999 to seniors. It is recommended that students elect courses in the years for which they are listed. Freshmen will be admitted to courses above the 2000 level only with the consent of the instructor and the student’s advisor. Juniors and seniors taking freshman courses may be expected to do additional work. Any course above 4999 is a graduate course.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the semester hours of credit assigned to the course.
An H following the course number indicates an honors level course.

SRSE 4100
Senior Seminar [Course] (2)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is designed to encourage students to examine, evaluate, and articulate their worldviews in relation to their faith and the Roberts Wesleyan academic program. The course helps students integrate their general education, disciplinary specialization, and individual interests; challenges them to apply their education to issues of importance to society; and encourages them to pursue a habit of life-long learning. Required of all seniors.

SRSE 4200
Senior Integrative Project [Course] (2)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is a seminar that serves as a culminating experience for students majoring in Liberal Arts (B.A.) or Cross-Disciplinary Studies (B.S.). Its primary focus is the General Education goal that students will investigate connections and pursue integration among disparate learning experiences. The course includes group meetings that are class sessions to promote increased understanding through common readings and the exchange of ideas; individual meetings with the instructor to plan, monitor and evaluate each student's activities and progress; and individual activities designed to help students integrate the three Areas of Study they have chosen and prepare for graduation. Through course assignments and a final project, students will demonstrate in-depth learning, significant reflection, and meaningful integration of their Areas of Study. Prerequisites: Taken only by seniors majoring in Liberal Arts (B.A.) or Cross-Disciplinary Studies (B.S.).