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Course Descriptions

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Courses numbered 1000-1999 are open to freshmen; 2000-2999 to sophomores; 3000-3999 to juniors; 4000-4999 to seniors. It is recommended that students elect courses in the years for which they are listed. Freshmen will be admitted to courses above the 2000 level only with the consent of the instructor and the student’s advisor. Juniors and seniors taking freshman courses may be expected to do additional work. Any course above 4999 is a graduate course.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the semester hours of credit assigned to the course.
An H following the course number indicates an honors level course.

SOCS 1010
Principles of Sociology [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course introduces the student to sociology, a study of social interaction and its products. It includes an analysis of social processes, social institutions, culture, personality, and social change.

SOCS 1020
Modern Social Problems [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is a survey of the nature and range of social problems, the conditions which give rise to them, and the methods by which our society attempts to cope with them.

SOCS 1040
Aging & Life: Introduction to Gerontolog [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is a general introductory study of aging and social behavior from a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspective. Special attention is given to the realities of biological, psychological, and social development in late adulthood; personal attitudes about aging; and psycho-social-spiritual needs. (Offered on demand)

SOCS 2020
Human Sexuality [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is designed to help the student understand normal and abnormal human sexual behavior and attitudes. Sexuality will be considered from many angles, including the biological, psychological, behavioral and spiritual perspectives. Also listed as PSYC 2020 and SGEN 2020.

SOCS 2050
Diversity and Oppression [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This foundation course is designed to provide students with knowledge of human diversity and social and economic justice in our nation and the world. Its goal is to help produce a culturally sensitive professional by increasing one’s cultural awareness, promoting one’s knowledge acquisition, and assisting in one’s skill development. A goal is for students to complete this course with a better understanding of themselves and of the diverse groups that will be examined. Also listed as SOWK 2050.

SOCS 2060
Substance Use and Addictive Behaviors [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
A comprehensive required course addressing alcohol and other drug use (ATOD), HIV, as well as the impact of each on the family. Emphasis is on motivation for drug use and abuse, specific types of drugs and their identification, physiological and psychological implications of alcohol, tobacco and other (ATOD) drug abuse. There are no course prerequisites. Also listed as SOWK 2060.

SOCS 2080
Marriage, Family and Relationships [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is designed to provide students with perspectives on intimate relationships. The course explores relational dynamics including communication, conflict resolution, sexual intimacy, and managing economic resources. The course highlights intimate relationships and identifies the challenges and opportunities in relationships. Three distinctive themes of intimacy, marital and family strengths, and diversity are woven throughout the course. The goal of this courses is to integrate research, theory, and practical ideas to promote and sustain healthy and productive relationships. Also listed as SOWK 2080.

SOCS 2600
Organizational Behavior [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course examines group behavior and how group functioning affects organizational effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on decision-making and resolving conflicts in groups.

SOCS 2950
Life Learning Experience [Life Learning Paper] (1 - 3)
(Liberal Arts)
In this course students apply the theories that support learning from personal experience. Students will draw from the works of educators such as Dewey, Piaget, Lindeman, and Kolb. They will write a life-learning essay on an approved topic.

SOCS 3000
Topics in Sociology [Course] (1 - 3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course examines selected topics in the Sociology.

SOCS 3010
Gerontology [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is provides an overview of the aging process and problems associated with normal growth and development, with an emphasis on the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs that meet the needs of older adults. The course will also address behavioral health issues associated with aging, including psycho-social impact of cultural and cohort influences. A discussion of prevention, diagnosis, assessment, and intervention as well as an examination of legislation affecting older adults will be reviewed. In addition, an understanding the death and dying process as a normal part of the life cycle and an examination of the specific care needed to care for the dying patient and (their) family as they complete the last stage of growth and development will also be considered.

SOCS 3020
Criminology [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
Crime and the criminal offender are studied sociologically to analyze causes of criminal behavior and alternatives for treatment of the offender. Both classical and contemporary research perspectives are considered. Prerequisite: CRJU 1010 Also listed as CRJU 3020

SOCS 3050
Death & Bereavement [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
Designed to provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to the understaning of the process of dying and the issues associated with it, this course examines the complex issues surrounding the crisis of bereavement. Additional attention is given to the transition brought about by the loss of a spouse and the resulting social disruption. Offered on demand

SOCS 3120
Juvenile Delinquency [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course offers an analysis of the problems and causes of juvenile delinquency and society's responses to it. History, philosophy, and institutional organization of the juvenile system are considered. Also listed as CRJU 3120

SOCS 3140
Juvenile Justice Systems [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course concentrates on the historical development of the juvenile justice system in the United States, the rehabilitative philosophy, jurisdiction issues, principles of adjudication, the role of police, juvenile courts, corrections, community agencies, and abuses within the system. Future trends of the juvenile justice system are considered. Also listed as CRJU 3140.

SOCS 3410
Organizational Leadership [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course explores the conceptual relationship between leadership and management in general, with a special focus on this relationship within a business setting. Leadership is about people and purpose, about being and doing. The course emphasizes foundational principles from a Christian worldview, including character development and servant-leader model. Ultimately, the leader's goals is to effect an organizational transformation and to bring about a desired change. This course is also listed as BUAD 3410. Prerequisite: Junior Standing

SOCS 4050
CI:Juvenile Justice [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course provides an in-depth analysis of selected topics germane to the juvenile justice system. The course includes topics such as child abuse and domestic violence, alternatives for the status offender, ethical issues, children's rights, right to treatment and right to refuse treatment, the politics of juvenile justice, and the juvenile court as a socio-legal institution. Also listed as CRJU 4050. (Offered alternate years)

SOCS 4900
Cross Cultural Experience in Sociology [Course] (1 - 3)
(Liberal Arts)
Cross-Cultural Experience in Sociology will introduce students in social systems and processes as carried out in a country or territory other than the United States. Students will gain personal experience and interpersonal skills that can be effective tools when working with culturally and racially diverse groups. This course will explore selected social policies as they relate to the nation's plans and programs in education and public information, policing, the judiciary, corrections and social welfare. Students will explore the agencies and programs sponsored by the Church and/or by the public sector that are designed to address the social problems of the country under study. Prerequisite: SOCS 1010 and permission of the instructor.

SOCS 4950
Independent Study [Course] (1 - 4)
(Liberal Arts)
Independent study provides opportunity to pursue advanced or special-interest topics not covered in the curriculum. Prerequisites: 1. Junior standing. 2. A minimum of 9 semester hours in the discipline of the Independent Study. 3. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the discipline. 4. Proof of motivation and ability to work independently. 5. Approval of the department in which the study is to be taken. 6. Permission from the student's advisor, the course instructor, the Department Chair, the School Dean, and the Registrar.