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Enable a Transformational Education

Advancement exists to promote relationships and generosity for the future of the University and Seminary.

Student Testimonials

Tyler Heflin '23 (Master’s of Social Work)

“I am very grateful for the generosity and compassion of the Roberts community during this difficult time in my life. The scholarship I received means I can continue to pursue my dream of being a clinical social worker, using my life to help others.

I am committed to working hard to graduate with my MSW and then do all that I can to give back. I am inspired by our donors’ willingness to help others and I strive to pay it forward in any and all ways I am able.”

Georgia Haverlock '23 (Marketing)

“Roberts helped me to discover myself and develop a relationship with the Lord. When I chose Roberts, I wasn’t a Christian, but I came here anyway because I felt the community had something unique to offer that other schools were missing. At the time, I wasn’t sure what that “thing” was, but I would later learn it was faith among the staff and students.

During my first year here, I had a classmate who knew nothing about me, but prayed that I would one day experience and know Jesus for myself. Only a few months after this encounter, I gave my life to Christ. Roberts is full of people willing and striving to exemplify Christ in everything they do. I’m forever grateful for the people on this campus who have cared enough to watch out for me and provide me with unique and impactful opportunities.”

Tamas Nagy '24 (Sports Management & Marketing)

"I'm grateful to be able to come to the U.S. to attend Roberts. Receiving a scholarship to Roberts made my dreams a reality!

Coming from Hungary, I am the first person in my family to come to the U.S. As soon as I came to Roberts, I felt welcomed by other students, coaches, and professors. From the financial aid department, to the athletics staff, to the learning center, they have continuously gone out of their way to make sure that I am set up for success. I am thankful to have this opportunity to make lasting friendships and receive a high-quality education."

Robert Hinds '24 (Management & Social Entrepreneurship)

“My experience here at Roberts has been life-changing, and scholarships have made it possible for me to get a quality education. It has always been a dream of mine to attend college in the United States, but this can be a costly dream. The scholarships I’ve received have made it possible for me to live out these dreams and the opportunities that come with them.

Attending Roberts has challenged me to be a better man, not only for myself but the community and God. I’m thankful for the generous donors who contribute to the scholarships that have made it possible for me to attend Roberts Wesleyan University.”