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Course Descriptions

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Courses numbered 1000-1999 are open to freshmen; 2000-2999 to sophomores; 3000-3999 to juniors; 4000-4999 to seniors. It is recommended that students elect courses in the years for which they are listed. Freshmen will be admitted to courses above the 2000 level only with the consent of the instructor and the student’s advisor. Juniors and seniors taking freshman courses may be expected to do additional work. Any course above 4999 is a graduate course.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the semester hours of credit assigned to the course.
An H following the course number indicates an honors level course.

BUAD 1010
Introduction to Business [Course] (3)

In addition to providing an introduction to the functional areas of management, marketing, and finance, this course examines the history of business in the United States and addresses the concepts of vocation and stewardship.

BUAD 2100
Business Law I [Course] (3)

This introduction to principles and development of law and legal procedures emphasizes contract law, secured transactions, bankruptcy, and agency law. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or instructor's permission.

BUAD 2110
Business Law II [Course] (3)

This continuation of Business Law I emphasizes the Uniform Commercial Code, sales, commercial paper, buisness organizations, securities laws and property. Prerequisites: BUAD 2100 or permission of the instructor. (Offered alternate years)

BUAD 2400
Business Continuity [Course] (3)

This course will examine and provide an understanding of the ten Professional Practices in Business Continuity Management. The course will review each Professional Practice. With each Professional Practice the student will establish the body of knowledge necessary to build organizational resiliency. Participants will study organizational threats, the risk of those threats and how to mitigate risk. Topics will include building Business Continuation Plans, Risk Analysis, Business Impact Analysis and Tabletop Exercises. Strategies will be introduced that allow an entity to continue mission critical operations in the event of a crisis. The concept of crisis management and crisis communication will be also be covered.

BUAD 2600
Organizational Behavior [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course examines group behavior and how group functioning affects organizational effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on decision-making and resolving conflicts in groups.

BUAD 2950
Life Learning Experience [Life Learning Paper] (1 - 3)

In this course students apply the theories that support learning from personal experience. Students will draw from the works of educators such as Dewey, Piaget, Lindeman, and Kolb. They will write a life-learning essay on an approved topic.

BUAD 3000
Topics in Business [Course] (1 - 3)

Special Topics is a course designed for Business majors and students from other disciplines interested in the serious pursuit of specified topics. Such a course will enable students to explore business concerns that are not a part of the Department's regular offerings. Content differs from year to year. (May be repeated)

BUAD 3210
Corporate Finance [Course] (3)

This course introduces the concept of capital markets and the investment decision by the corporation with an emphasis on capital budgeting. Other topics include efficient market theory, an introduction to the financing decision by corporations, dividend policy, debt policy, and agency theory. Prerequisites: ACCT 2020, ECON 2010, MATH 1080 or MATH 1085, MATH 2400, and admission to major.

BUAD 3410
Organizational Leadership [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course explores the conceptual relationship between leadership and management in general, with a special focus on this relationship within a business setting. Leadership is about people and purpose, about being and doing. The course emphasizes foundational principles from a Christian worldview, including character development and servant-leader model. Ultimately, the leader's goals is to effect an organizational transformation and to bring about a desired change. This course is also listed as SOCS 3410. Prerequisite: Junior Standing

BUAD 3500
Business Internship Preparation [Course] (1)

This course helps to prepare the student for the internship with an emphasis on résumé writing, interviewing, and networking. Prerequisites: Junior standing.

BUAD 3800
International Business [Course] (3)

This course explores the types of business procedures necessary for international operation; it introduces students to the relevant aspects of international business including the process of globalization, economics, and policies of international trade and investment, the impact of cultural differences and strategies for competition. Prerequisites: BUAD 1010 or by permission of the instructor.

BUAD 4020
Strategic Planning [Course] (3)

The course examines the concept of management from a strategic perspective. Students will gain an understanding of the key elements of the strategic planning process: internal and external environment scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy monitoring and control. Students will work through the process of executing a strategic plan with a view to the need for leading change, creating a learning organization, and incorporating multicultural awareness. A number of case studies are used to prepare the student for the decision-making that is essential for effective strategic planning. Students will apply the process and concepts to their own organization or another organization provided by the professor. Prerequisites: PSYC 4410, SOCS 3410, PSYC 4520, and BUAD 4350.

BUAD 4300
Human Resource Management [Course] (3)

This course will focus upon the primary function of human resource management—increasing the effectiveness and contribution of employees in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. Our analysis will consider strategic planning, organizational goals, job descriptions and evaluation, human resources selection techniques, benefits administration, labor/employee relations, grievance procedures, collective bargaining, arbitration, mediation, reasons for joining a union, and the ongoing role of the human resources function.

BUAD 4350
Financial Intelligence [Course] (3)

As pointed out in the main text of the class (Financial Intelligence: A Manager’s Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean by Karen Berman and Joe Knight), there are four skill sets to having financial intelligence: (1) Understanding the Foundation; (2) Understanding the Art; (3) Understanding the Analysis; and (4) Understanding the Big Picture (in other words being able to “step away from the numbers,” consider all relevant information, conduct analysis, and make effective decisions). To accomplish this is no small task as the discipline is demanding due to a language barrier, volume of information, analytical tools/skills needed to support comprehension, and the typical adult learner’s lack of familiarity with the subject matter. However, those are also the reasons why it is so important. The overall goals of the course are to help adult learners understand and speak the language of accounting/finance, use the information and tools presented in the course to ask better questions, and ultimately to help themselves or others make better decisions which will help their organizations achieve their goals. Topics include: Accounting-The Language of Business, Introduction to Financial Statements and Reporting, Importance of Cash Flows, Understanding Cost Behavior, Budgeting Systems and Developing Forecasts, Performance Measurement, and an Introduction to Capital Budgeting and Working Capital Management.

BUAD 4500
Business Administration Internship [Practicum] (1 - 6)

The internship projects integrate the theory of the course offerings into operation and practice. Such intern experiences add insight and focus to the students' career planning and open thinking to a range of placement possibilities. Students are assigned to an organization in the community in the area of interest. Prerequisites: BUAD 3500 and admission to the Business major.

BUAD 4900
Business on Location [Course] (1 - 3)

The course exposes students to international business and economic development, providing them an opportunity to experience first-hand another culture and business operations in that country context. Students will meet during the term to prepare for the cross-cultural context and then travel for 1-3 weeks to another country. Students will have opportunity to speak with businesspersons and visit businesses – small scale local businesses, NGO programs, and international firms.

BUAD 4910
Applied Research Project Part I [Course] (1 - 3)

Each adult learner combines his/her research and practical implementation of theories and concepts and develops and individual project. The project examines a problem in the adult learner's occupation.

BUAD 4920
Applied Research Project Part II [Course] (3 - 4)

The student's project is written and orally presented to the instructor and the learning group.

BUAD 4950
Independent Study in Business [Course] (1 - 3)

Independent study provides opportunity to pursue advanced or special-interest topics not covered in the curriculum. Prerequisites: 1. Junior standing. 2. A minimum of 9 semester hours in the discipline of the Independent Study. 3. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the discipline. 4. Proof of motivation and ability to work independently. 5. Approval of the department in which the study is to be taken. 6. Permission from the student's advisor, the course instructor, the Department Chair, the School Dean, and the Registrar.