Junior Mock Audition
2023 Date: Saturday, April 1st, 2023
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
The Roberts Wesleyan University Department of Music and Performing Arts invites high school juniors to present a “mock” audition for our music faculty. This free one-day event is designed to help high school juniors gain experience and knowledge about what it's like to apply/audition for a University music program.
Students will have the opportunity to:
- Perform a mock audition and receive comments from Roberts Wesleyan University Music faculty
- Learn about how to best prepare for the application/audition process
- Learn about our Roberts Wesleyan University Honors Band and Choir Festivals
- Speak with current Roberts Wesleyan University Music students
- Meet/speak with Roberts Wesleyan University Music faculty
- Meet/speak with the Roberts Wesleyan University Admissions Team, including a tour of the campus
- Fill out and submit the online Junior Mock audition application.
- If you have questions, call 585-594-6101 or email music@roberts.edu.
The students will receive comments and be evaluated on their skills of tone production, intonation, musicality, lyrical phrasing, rhythmic accuracy, technical proficiency, sight reading, and overall musical experience.
- Please prepare two contrasting solo selections.
- The faculty may choose to hear all or part of your prepared selections depending on the length of each.
You do not need to bring an extra copy of your music for the faculty.
If you need an accompanist, music must be submitted to the Roberts Music Department by March 25th, 2023.
For complete details contact:
Department of Music and Performing Arts
Roberts Wesleyan University
2301 Westside Drive Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 594-6101