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March 29, 2022

Here and Now | In the Middle of Stress and Survival Mode

Can you believe there’s only two more months left this semester?  You may feel like school is the only thing you can think about.  Remember that creating your story is an imperfect process. It’s a combination of education and a dedicated student. It takes YOU.

Do you feel like you are swamped with a million different tasks?  You may feel like you are on autopilot, counting the number of pages to read and words to write before you can sleep again.  According to a poll conducted by the APA, more than 80% of adults in the U.S. say they are in "survival mode" due to high levels of stress caused by current circumstances.
You may feel like a bit anxious and may be wondering, what help is available to me at Roberts? Here are a list of resources and things students can do to alleviate stress:

Make sure to take breaks.

Students by Roberts Pond

  • Take some time to work out in the VAC or walk on the track.
  • Soak in some sunshine. Stroll the pathways and relax on one of the many Adirondack chairs around campus.

Overcome procrastination.

  • One trick is to start on a project or work for just five minutes. You can stop after five, but many times it is just the jumpstart you need to keep working.
  • Consider trying the Pomodoro method of productivity with built-in rests. In a nutshell, you work for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break. After doing that three times, you earn a ten-minute break. Here are some of the best Pomodoro Apps.

Talk to someone that you trust.


Exercise and eat well.

Most of the time, it's the simple ways that you care for yourself that make all the difference!  Given we are still in the pandemic, you may not be in church physically but rather online. Are you missing the fellowship? Time for relaxing and enjoying activities outside of Roberts may seem a bit far away right now. And, on top it all is life including family, friends, your job and making time for investing in your future planning – and that all may feel a bit messy.

Take a deep breathe. Keep the pages turning and the words flowing. You may not realize it, but you are growing and achieving as the days and the weeks fly by. And through it all, you’re making your way through the semester, making headway in whatever season of life you’re in with your eyes on the prize of making it through to May 13.

It’s not always easy, but create some space to breathe in, go with the flow and to feel the grace of God.  Even in survival mode, you can find assurance in yourself, support from faculty and the blessings of true friends.  In the end, the truth is that you are is enough despite how stressful it is. In knowing God, you know yourself and where you are going. Ask yourself:

Walking Roberts Student

  • How do you set yourself up for success for those things that give and those that drain?
  • What does survival mode look like for you?
  • Who are your biggest supporters?
  • Do your feel like you are competing with others who juggle better than you? Remember, this isn’t a competition.
  • How has your academic work been going? You may be overly busy, but have you also tracked your accomplishments?

So, as the next week approaches at Roberts, look back at the weeks that you have already finished and all of the work you’ve done. Get the support you need from campus services. Think about how much you have changed since the start of the semester. Take a few minutes to count your accomplishments and the times you have served others.  Take it in, and give yourself credit.

You are writing your greater story. You are blooming, growing and creating those chapters.  Remember, now is the time to invest in your education with all the pluses and minuses. Take care of yourself and get back to work at finishing the semester strong!



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