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February 5, 2015

Faculty News

Congratulations to Dr. Amy Kovach  on her promotion to Associate Professor!

Dr. David Roll attended the annual ASA meeting at McMasters University in Hamilton Canada held July 25-28. McMasters medical school is just adjacent to the University and a former RWC grad, Dr. Karen Baily, is on the faculty there as a pediatric surgeon. David Barnes and Richard Middleton from RWC also attended the meeting. About 220 participants were there altogether.

Abstracts and excerpts from the talks can be found at the ASA web site ( The web site has also been updated to provide additional information related to issues of science and faith.

The meeting was a combined meeting with scientists from Canada and England with a variety of talks.

One of the organizers and speakers was Robert B. Mann, a physicist from University of Waterloo, Canada, who was a contributing author to an article in the August 2014 issue of Scientific American entitled: The Black Hole at the Beginning of Time (Do we live in a holographic mirage from another dimension?). That article was featured on the front cover of Scientific American. Other topics included palliative care, fracking (One talk entitled Would God Frack?), astrophysics—the heavens declare the glory of God, Constructive Integration of Science and Scripture by Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe, etc.

For more information about the American Scientific Affiliation visit