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Course Descriptions

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Courses numbered 1000-1999 are open to freshmen; 2000-2999 to sophomores; 3000-3999 to juniors; 4000-4999 to seniors. It is recommended that students elect courses in the years for which they are listed. Freshmen will be admitted to courses above the 2000 level only with the consent of the instructor and the student’s advisor. Juniors and seniors taking freshman courses may be expected to do additional work. Any course above 4999 is a graduate course.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the semester hours of credit assigned to the course.
An H following the course number indicates an honors level course.

MATH 1050
The Nature of Mathematics [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
As a liberal arts mathematics course, the content is intended to convey a sense of the nature, development, and application of mathematics. Topics covered include probability, statistics, and mathematics of personal finance. (Offered altenate years)

MATH 1055
Mathematics for Social Issues [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
How can we better make decisions in a democratic society? This course examines voting, elections, and related issues through the lens of mathematics. Keys themes include the impossibility of a perfect voting system with three or more candidates, weighted voting systems and power, referenda, apportionment, and gerrymandering.

MATH 1080
College Algebra [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is a pre-calculus analysis of the real number system. Topics include linear and quadratic equations, polynomials, inequalities, power and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and systems of linear equations. It is not applicable toward the Mathematics major or minor.

MATH 1085
Pre-Calculus [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is a pre-calculus study of the real number system, equations and systems of equations, inequalities, and functions with a focus on the use of functions in mathematical modeling. Functions studied include linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Topics in the time-value of money are also included. The course cannot be applied toward a mathematics major, minor or education concentration. Consult with a member of the mathematics faculty for placement advising.

MATH 1661
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
Students will develop an understanding of the mathematical curriculum content recommended in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards and in the New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology. The course emphasizes the process standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. Its coverage includes the content standards of numbers and operations, patterns and functions, and measurement. NOTE: MTH 1661 is not a teaching methods course. (Offered every fall)

MATH 1662
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
Students will develop an understanding of the mathematical curriculum content recommended in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards and in the New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology. The course emphasizes the process standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. Its coverage includes the content standards of geometry, probability and statistics. NOTE: MTH 1662 is not a teaching methods course. (Offered every spring)

MATH 2070
Discrete Mathematics [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is an introduction to discrete processes, including topics such as set theory, logic, induction and recursion, Boolean algebra, relations and graphs, combinatorics, and applications to graph theory. Offered every fall.

MATH 2281
Calculus I [Course] (4)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is an introduction to the elements of differential and integral calculus. Prerequisite: high school algebra or trigonometry or permission of the instructor.

MATH 2282
Calculus II [Course] (4)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is a continuation of MATH 2281 with an emphasis on transcendental functions, techniques of integration, applications of integration, and infinite series. Prerequisite: MATH 2281 Offered every spring.

MATH 2283
Calculus III [Course] (4)
(Liberal Arts)
This course continues MATH 2282, this course emphasizes multivariable and vector calculus. Prerequisite: MATH 2282 Offered every fall.

MATH 2400
Elementary Statistics [Course] (3 - 4)
(Liberal Arts)
An introduction to the descriptive and inferential statistics, this course typically covers descriptive analysis of data, correlation and regression, sampling distributions, central limit theorem, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, inferences about means, and the chi-square test. The course includes use of the computer. Offered every semester.

MATH 2401
Survey Methods & Data Analysis for Business [Course] (1)
(Liberal Arts)
Building on basic statistical concepts, this course covers research methodology, survey construction, and analysis. Students will learn to apply basic concepts and tools of statistical analysis to the Applied Research Project and the business industry. Microsoft Excel will be used for calculations. Consequently, a basic understanding of Excel is required for this course. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to apply statistical concepts to real-world problems.

MATH 2430
Biostatistics [Course] (4)
(Liberal Arts)
This course provides an introduction to selected important topics in biostatistical concepts and reasoning. This course represents an introduction to the field and provides a survey of data and data types. Specific topics include tools for describing central tendency and variability in data; methods for performing inference on population means and proportions via sample data; statistical hypothesis testing and its application to group comparisons; issues of power and sample size in study designs; and random sample and other study types. While there are some formulae and computational elements to the course, the emphasis is on interpretation and concepts.

MATH 2611
MST Mathematics I [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This is a course for those students seeking certification in early childhood and childhood education with a mathematics, science, and technology emphasis. Students will develop an understanding of the mathematical curriculum content recommended in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards and in the New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology. The course emphasizes the process standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. Its coverage includes the content standards of numbers and operations, patterns and functions, and measurement. NOTE: MATH 2611 is not a teaching methods course. (Offered every fall)

MATH 2612
MST Mathematics II [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This is a course for those students seeking certification in early childhood and childhood education with a mathematics, science, and technology emphasis. Students will develop an understanding of the mathematical curriculum content recommended in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards and in the New York State Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology. The course emphasizes the process standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation. Its coverage includes the content standards of geometry, probability and statistics. NOTE: MTH 2612 is not a teaching methods course. (Offered every spring)

MATH 2630
Foundations of Math Adolescence Teachers [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course explores the process strands and content strands from the New York State Math Core Curriculum. Students will investigate number sense and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and statistics and probability, mathematics skills, problem solving and use of appropriate tools and strategies. An inductive approach which includes hands-on exploration and discovery will give teachers a fundamental understanding of the mathematics taught in grades 7-12. This course focuses on mathematics content while also addressing instructional strategies. This is a five-week course open only to Junior and Senior Education majors.

MATH 3000
Special Topics in Mathematics [Course] (1)
(Liberal Arts)
An exploration of an advanced topic in the mathematical sciences. May be repeated with different topics. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. (Offered on demand)

MATH 3010
Introduction to Advanced Mathematics [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is an intermediate course to assist students in making the transition into higher level mathematics where proofs and proof methods are the overarching theme. Students will study topics such as logic, set theory, number theory, discrete mathematics, and elementary real analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 2282.

MATH 3110
Linear Algebra [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is an introduction to higher-level mathematics and to vector spaces and linear transformations. Particular emphasis is placed on real, finite dimensional vector spaces. Prerequisite: MATH 2281 or permission of the instructor. Offered spring of even years.

MATH 3210
Differential Equations [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course includes a study of first order linear differential equations; series solutions of more general equations; and additional material selected from topics such as solutions by Laplace transforms, systems of equations, partial differential equations, and numerical solutions. Prerequisite: MATH 2282. Offered spring of odd years.

MATH 3340
Geometry [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This is a comparative study of the modern and traditional theories of geometry, including both Euclidean and Non-Euclidean theories. Some material on the history and philosophical implementations of the development of geometry is included.

MATH 3400
Probability and Statistics [Course] (3)

An introductory course emphasizing a calculus-based treatment of random variables, this course stresses the normal, binomial, and Poisson distributions along with applications of probability theory to statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 2282. Offered alternate years.

MATH 3411
Mathematical Statistics [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
Students will study at the intermediate level the mathematical foundations of statistics including sampling distributions, point and interval estimates, testing of statistical hypotheses and linear models. Additional topics as time permits. Prerequisite: MATH 2400 and MATH 2282. MATH 2283 and MATH 3400 strongly recommended.

MATH 3710
Numerical Analysis [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
The course includes the study of numerical methods such as interpolations, polynomial approximation, direct and iterative methods for solving equations, and systems of equations, and pseudorandom numbers and Monte Carlo methods. The error inherent in numeric representation and computation on finite devices is also considered. The use of mathematical software and some computer programming will be required. Prerequisites: MATH 2282, CSCI 2010. Offered alternate years.

MATH 3720
Mathematical Methods for Science [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course includes analytic tools of relevance to physics, engineering and applied mathematics. These tools will include techniques from areas such as vector analysis, approximation theory; partial differential equations, complex variables, and advanced topics in linear algebra. Prerequisite: MATH 2283. (Offered alternate years)

MATH 4000
History & Foundations of Mathematics [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course provides a historical approach to the foundations of mathematics, including consideration of set theory, number theory, geometry, analysis, and applied mathematics. The course is not a proof course, but rather a study in which the student examine the topics in their socio-cultural and political settings. Offered fall of even years.

MATH 4100
Higher Algebra [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
Basic ideas of modern algebra are examined, including an introduction to the structure and properties of mathematical systems, such as groups, rings, integral domains, and fields. Prerequisite: MATH 2070 or MATH 3010 or permission of the instructor. Offered spring of odd years.

MATH 4200
Real Analysis [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course is intended to provide an in-depth study of the real numbers and their functions. Topics covered typically include the elementary topology of Euclidean spaces and a careful study of limits, continuity, and series. Prerequisites: MATH 2282; MATH 2070 or MATH 3010. Offered fall of odd years.

MATH 4500
Internship [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This internship provides the opportunity to gain practical experience in a field placement.

MATH 4500
Internship [Practicum] (3 - 6)
(Liberal Arts)
This internship provides the opportunity to gain practical experience in a field placement.

MATH 4710
Mathematical Modeling [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
The purpose of this course is to demonstrate the strong interdependence between mathematics and the natural and social sciences. This is accomplished through the construction, analysis, and interpretation of mathematical models for several interesting and significant problems in these sciences. Prerequisite: MATH 2282. Offered alternate years.

MATH 4950
Independent Study in Mathematics [Course] (1 - 4)
(Liberal Arts)
Independent study provides opportunity to pursue advanced or special-interest topics not covered in the curriculum. Prerequisites: 1. Junior standing. 2. A minimum of 9 semester hours in the discipline of the Independent Study. 3. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the discipline. 4. Proof of motivation and ability to work independently. 5. Approval of the department in which the study is to be taken. 6. Permission from the student's advisor, the course instructor, the Department Chair, the School Dean, and the Registrar.

MATH 4980
Undergraduate Research [Course] (1 - 3)
(Liberal Arts)
Students have the opportunity to conduct research under the supervision of a faculty member. A written report is required. Prerequisites: 1. Junior standing 2. A minimum of 9 semester hours in the discipline of the Independent Study 3. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the discipline 4. Proof of motivation and ability to work independently 5. Approval of the department in which the study is to be taken 6. Permission from the student's advisor, the course instructor, the Department Chair, and the Registrar. The course may be repeated.

MATH 4990
Seminar [Course] (1)
(Liberal Arts)
This seminar allows students nearing the completion of the mathematics major an opportunity to integrate the mathematics they have learned and to learn independently mathematics needed to complete problem solving tasks.