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2021-22 Undergraduate Academic Catalog | Student Development

Student Conduct

Roberts Wesleyan College recognizes that ample opportunity to make decisions is a significant part of a student’s development and growth. The Student Life Office desires to promote the well-being and growth of students by upholding the mission and values of Roberts Wesleyan College.

Roberts does not expect perfection of its students, just as God does not expect perfection of us. As such, the Student Life office will handle each case at the lowest level of accountability necessary. It is our hope that during their time at Roberts, students will learn to hold themselves and their peers accountable for their actions. At times, these avenues may not be effective or appropriate and the student conduct process is necessary.

The primary goal of the student conduct process is the growth of the student, not the consequence. Thus, the Student Life Office strives to provide an educational environment where students are asked to engage in difficult conversations about their goals, values, and how their actions impact themselves and others. Because students may find themselves in different stages of growth and have individual challenges and needs, it is possible that different outcomes may be assigned for similar violations.

A complete listing of campus policies and expectations, as well as an outline of the Student Conduct process can be found in the Student Handbook.