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2017-2018 Student Catalog

Dean's Message

deeply rooted. faithfully responsive.

These four words summarize the passion of Northeastern Seminary. Rooted in biblical and historic Christian faith, the mission of Northeastern Seminary is to prepare men and women for faithful, effective ministry to the church and the world. At Northeastern, this happens through a high quality theological education that seeks always to be in conversation with the broad range of contexts in which ministry actually occurs. But true theological education is more than solid content and practical competence. It also involves deep personal formation. Therefore, Northeastern Seminary is committed to providing a theological education in which authentic Christian spirituality is cultivated. More than anything else, we want our seminarians to grow in their knowledge and worship of the Triune God. It is only from this central purpose of human existence that faithful, effective ministry can flow from our lives into the world.

I am delighted that you have chosen NES to prepare for Christian ministry. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration of Northeastern Seminary, I welcome you, and look forward to working with you in the months ahead. If you have any questions or concerns along the way, please know that we are here to serve you.

Douglas R. Cullum, Ph.D.

Vice President and Dean