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2016-2017 Student Catalog | Admissions

NYSPHL Attendance Mandates

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) - REQUIRED FOR STUDENTS BORN AFTER 1956

New York State Public Health Law mandates college/seminary students born after 1956 provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella. Proof can be demonstrated in the following ways: documentation of two MMRs given at least 28 days apart; two doses of measles vaccine and one dose each of mumps and rubella vaccine; physician documented history of the disease (not acceptable for rubella); or serologic evidence of immunity. Serologic evidence of immunity (positive titer blood test results for measles, mumps, and rubella) is acceptable as long as a copy of the lab results or signed document from your physician is submitted to the Health Center. Vaccines given before 1/1/68 must indicate “live” vaccine in order to qualify as proof.

Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine or signed declination statement —REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS

New York State Public Health Law requires colleges and universities to distribute information regarding the risks of meningococcal meningitis disease. Although this vaccine is not required for college attendance in NYS, it is highly recommended, especially for undergraduate students.

Proof must be on file in the Health Center before the start of the first class. Students failing to provide adequate documentation will be denied attendance at any New York State college or university.

For more detail information and form, please click here.