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2015-16 Undergraduate Academic Catalog | General Education | General Education Requirements

Modifications for Professional Programs

Modifications to the General Education Program requirements for students seeking to earn a Bachelor of Science degree from one of the professional programs (Accounting and Information Management, Adolescence Education, Business Administration, Childhood and Special Education, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood and Students with Disabilities, Economic Crime Investigation, Management, Marketing, Music Education, Music Performance, Nursing, Physical Education, and Social Work) are as follows:

  1. The student has a choice of ART 101, FNA 102, or MUS 104 (except that Art Education majors take either MUS 104 or FNA 102, Music Education majors take either ART 101 or FNA 102, and Physical Education majors take FNA 102).
  2. Language proficiency as described following.  Note the difference between the professional and liberal arts programs.
  3. All other requirements are the same for liberal arts programs, except where modified by the department offering the major.