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October 14, 2022

Roberts Wesleyan University Chorale Performed with Rochester Oratorio Society and Toronto’s Nathaniel Dett Chorale

Roberts Wesleyan University Chorale

The Rochester Oratorio Society (ROS) presented The Ordering of Moses on Oct. 13 in Hochstein Performance Hall in Rochester, New York. The Ordering of Moses is a classic oratorio by trailblazing Canadian-American composer R. Nathaniel Dett, in a new edition by Jeannie Guerrero, a Rochester-based music theorist. This concert was a collaboration with the ROS, the Roberts Wesleyan University Chorale and the Nathaniel Dett Chorale, Canada’s first professional choral group dedicated to Afrocentric music of all styles. Dett was the first Black graduate of Oberlin College and later of the Eastman School of Music.

"Watching this project come to fruition was incredibly gratifying for students and me alike. It was truly a thrilling opportunity to “resurrect” an unjustly neglected masterwork by a composer with deep connections to our local community. In addition to the music itself, the students’ experience was profoundly enriched by the artists with whom we collaborated; being able to make music at a professional level in diverse venues is an opportunity they will never forget," said Director of Choral Activities and Professor of Music Adam Potter.

“Being part of this choir and learning a master work, especially one of this quality was a sight to behold. This work became not only one of my favorite pieces of music we’ve performed to date, but also many other members of the Roberts Chorale felt that way too. I feel extremely blessed that I attend an institution that allows musicians, like myself, the opportunity to collaborate with fellow musicians to watch this work develop,” said student Nick Lopez'24 (Choral Music Education).

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