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October 15, 2020

Faculty Spotlight: Courtney Fantauzzo, Assistant Professor of Chemistry | Science Learning Specialist

  • Ed.D in Curriculum and Instruction (in Progress)
  • Doctoral Student in Education | Liberty University
  • Master of Science in Chemistry | University of Rochester
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry | Roberts Wesleyan College

What brought you to Roberts?

I grew up in the Rochester area and was an undergraduate student at Roberts. Those college years were some of the best years of my life. I had hopes of teaching in higher education after graduate school.

How long have you been teaching at Roberts?

Ten years. This is my sixth year as a full-time professor. First, I was an adjunct professor, which began in 2010.

When did you start becoming interested in Chemistry?

I have always loved math and science. I always knew I would end up studying those subjects in college. I started off undergrad as an engineering major. In my first semester, I loved my chemistry class so much that I ended up switching my major.

What is an interesting fact about you?

I love music very much. I love to sing and play the piano. I serve on the worship team at my church.

How do you serve your community (outside of Roberts)?

I serve on the worship team, the family ministry advisory team, and the social media team at Browncroft Community Church.

What is your favorite thing about teaching?

I love being able to teach a student who has a bad attitude about chemistry but ends up succeeding in the course and actually liking it by the end of the semester. I also enjoy working with students and being able to see “the light bulb go off” when they finally understand a concept.

What is the most helpful advice you’ve received?

One of my colleagues, here at Roberts, told me on my first day that you have to give “teaching a course” at least three years. The first year, you are doing everything you can to do your best. The second year, you are revising things that didn’t work the first year. The third year, you are fixing the little things that still didn’t work the second year. After that third year, you are in a better position.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I love being able to invest in the lives of the wonderful young adults here at Roberts. I remember all the amazing faculty and staff that impacted my life while I was a student here and I strive to be a good mentor and influence to my students now. It's nice to collaborate with professors who taught me as an undergrad, and made a difference in my life.

What is your favorite quote or verse and why?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV). This has been my favorite verse since I was a teenager. It always reminds me that sometimes we don’t understand what is happening in our lives, but if we put our trust in Jesus, He will guide us every step of the way.

Student Insights:

Caleigh Hitchcock’21 (Biology)

Caleigh Hitchcock

"When I think of a kind, compassionate, and generous professor, Professor Fantauzzo is the first to come to mind. She has encouraged me through countless courses, often offering up her own time and effort to help me succeed. She has also challenged me with various opportunities to teach others, helping me to realize my full potential. Professor Fantauzzo truly sees and cares for the hearts of her students, and to me, that has made all the difference."

Laura Craddock’22 (Psychology)

Laura Craddock

"I took a class with Professor Fantauzzo during my freshman year at Roberts. She is the type of professor who follows up. She genuinely cares about the students at Roberts. Every time I see Professor Fantauzzo on campus, she is always smiling and comes over to talk to me. She is more than just a professor, she constantly goes out of her way to help her students in and out of the classroom."