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September 26, 2016

Dr. Coisman Honored at Celebrate Psychology celebration at RWC Homecoming

This past Saturday at RWC Homecoming, as part of the Celebrate Psychology celebration, we honored Dr. Frederick Coisman. Due to his vision for doctoral education and his past leadership of the Psychology Program, we are establishing a permanent scholarship in honor of him. Dr. Coisman retired in May of 2005 after more than 30 years of teaching at Roberts Wesleyan College. He was a beloved and dynamic teacher who exemplified what it means to be a true servant and Kingdom builder. Dr. Coisman was a champion for the underdog, and worked tirelessly to foster academic and life success in all of his students. We know that he had a profound impact on the lives of many students!

Our goal is to raise an endowment of $20,000, so that a $1,000 scholarship may be awarded annually to future PsyD students. We are confident that with many contributing we can raise the $20,000 necessary to activate the scholarship. You can make a gift online by going to under the Make a Gift page, select designation to "Other Giving" and then "Frederick G. Coisman Scholarship", or by calling 585.594.6505. Thank you in advance for your partnership in establishing this lasting tribute to Dr. Coisman’s leadership and service at Roberts Wesleyan College.

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