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March 22, 2021

Wiedefeld Interviewed by World Magazine

Kimberley A. Wiedefeld, MA E.I.D., Vice President for Enrollment Management, was recently interviewed by World Magazine. She shared that Roberts Wesleyan College found that SAT scores didn’t predict success for the school’s African American and first-generation students. In 2016, Roberts made standardized test scores optional for students with grade point averages above 3.5 out of 4. "Roberts has enrolled more racially and economically diverse students since making the switch, which is part of the College's mission as a Christian school", said Wiedefeld. "When confronted with the information that says the SAT and the ACT have zero predictive value for a Black or African American student at Roberts’ campus, I believe it’s an ethical responsibility to say—we can’t continue using this metric,” she said.

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