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April 7, 2020

"Running to Jesus" | A Devotional Message from President Porterfield

John 20:1-10

Our world continues to reel and spin in response to the pandemic which has taken over our family, work and lives. As a Christian, it is important to me to stay connected to my faith daily and prepare myself for Easter. This year that seems to require a little more effort. In the past I would have been in Church on Palm Sunday, rehearsing the musical selections, and preparing for the events of Holy Week to walk me through the death and resurrection of Christ. But here I am without the extras.

In John 20:1-10 we read about Mary Magdalene finding an empty tomb and running to tell Simon Peter and another disciple that Jesus is missing.

“So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!” - John 20:2

Together they then run to the tomb to confirm that what they heard was true. At this point they believe his body was taken and he was gone. They didn’t understand fully what had happened or what was to come.

“So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.” John 20:3-4

What stands out to me in this passage is that they were running - eager to find out what had happened. So eager that one outruns the other to get there as fast as he could.  Mary ran to be near the tomb where Jesus was buried. Simon Peter and the other disciple ran because they were concerned his body had been taken. That much running involves a lot of effort and shows how important it was to them to figure out what was going on, and what it meant for them.

I ask myself, am I running? Am I eager to understand the Easter message in a new way this challenging season? Am I willing to leave behind the very thing that is consuming my life right now? Am I willing to expend that effort and energy, to run to Jesus? The Savior has already carried the pain on our behalf. Today, let us start running toward the cross, the empty tomb and a risen Savior who is waiting to receive us with open arms!

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