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July 3, 2018

Faculty Spotlight: Laura Falco, Professor of Marketing; Director, Master of Science in Marketing Program


  • B.S. in Business Administration | Houghton College
  • M.S. in Management | Roberts Wesleyan College
  • D.B.A. in Marketing | Anderson University

When did you start becoming interested in marketing?

I have always been interested in business. In middle school, I would make bouquets of flowers from my mom’s garden and would sell them on the corner. In high school, I developed a campaign for a Red Cross blood drive. It was not until college that I realized that these were examples of “marketing.” While I believe that we are all marketers, my passion for Christian marketing education started with the very first course I taught. I love to learn, and my students teach me as much or more than I teach them!

Do you have any advice for someone considering graduate school?

Graduate school (at least in my experience!) is an incredible opportunity for personal transformation. However, it requires some margin in your life. In order to be successful, prospective students need to prepare themselves to make sacrifices elsewhere for the duration of the degree program. Once you find that space, it’s time to pray, and then push on that door!

Do you have any advice for adults considering completing their bachelor’s degree?

Completing a bachelor’s degree as an adult can be intimidating. At the same time, there are options that are not only flexible, but also timely. Take that first step and ask some questions. Find a friend or co-worker who is in the same situation, and do it together. I don’t know a single person who has regretted taking that first step!

What do you like the most about teaching marketing?

I have a couple of courses that I have been teaching for over ten years, and every single time the “take-aways” are different. The ability to learn from my students and to stay connected to the field of marketing by working with local clients and bringing in special speakers, keeps me engaged and passionate about the impact that marketers have on today’s culture. The need for strong Christian marketers is greater today than ever before. I am privileged to be a tiny part of that greater impact.

What is one highlight from your time at Roberts?

Almost all the highlights that I have had in my twelve years at RWC so far are relationship-based: celebrating with students at their final banquets, praying for students who are going through challenging times, and being on the receiving end of powerful prayers within our school of business team . . . what a blessing to serve at Roberts every day!

What is your favorite part of your job?

I absolutely love the challenge of helping students connect the dots (strategic thinking) and develop creative solutions (critical thinking), through a Christian worldview.

What is an interesting fact about you?

I played soccer in college (well, at least I was a good cheerleader!) and my senior year we traveled to Australia and got to play against some of the players from the Australian National Team. Such an incredible experience!

What is an interest you have outside of teaching?

At this stage of life, my family and my church are my primary focus outside of my job. I am in the shuttling stage of getting my kids to their activities and trying to tackle the master schedule that is our life. My number one priority is relationships, so we try to open our home and eat meals with friends and family as much as possible.

What is your favorite quote and why?

In John 14:1 Jesus said, “Don’t let your heart be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me.” I consider myself to be a “recovering pessimist.” Every day, each one of us battles to stay focused on the positive. This scripture reminds me where my faith is.

Student Insight:

Brittany Catlin ‘13 (Studio Art) ’18 (MSMK)

"Laura is a phenomenal educator; not only because of her wealth of knowledge on the subject matter but also due to her heart for her students. She challenges you in every assignment. When you feel stuck, she encourages you and makes you feel like you can conquer anything with excellence. Finally, you reach the end and Laura is there once again to celebrate your accomplishment with you. At the end of your program, you've gained not only a mentor but a friend."

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