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November 15, 2017

Shawntia Reed ’17 (Master of Science, Nursing Administration) – Growth Through Graduate Studies

Shawntia Reed ’17 (Master of Science, Nursing Administration) is a Nurse Manager working for the University of Rochester Medical Center at Strong Memorial Hospital. She enjoys her work there and also has a passion for outreach to adolescents in her community.  It was word-of-mouth from other students she met that led her to the Roberts program.  Shawntia consistently heard that Roberts had great professors and that the classes were well-designed for working student, so she decided to check it out.  

The Master of Nursing Administration at Roberts helped her advance her career, but it also allowed her to grow professionally, intellectually, and in her personal faith. Shawtia writes: 

“Before starting at Roberts I was a very spiritual person but during and after graduating I feel as though my spirituality has grown tremendously. Personally I feel as though I am a better and stronger person. My professional career has blossomed, so many different doors and opportunities are opening and thanks to my education at Roberts, I feel as though I am more than ready for whatever opportunity is coming my way.” 

The faculty made a big impact on her, “I feel as though all my professors at Roberts impacted me in some way but the two that stood out the most were Dr. Crotser and Dr. Griswold. Both of these ladies are true role models that have inspired me more than they’ll ever know.” 

The program was fun as well. Building relationships with other classmates is one of the rewarding parts of going back for a graduate degree.  “I remember during graduation my classmates had to give a speech about our time together at Roberts and what we brought to one another.  Instead of them giving speeches they gave out awards for all different categories and believe it or not, I received the award for smoothest talker.  I think I received this award because during our time together I always knew how to talk us out of something we didn’t want to do.” 

Shawntia has some advice for our current nursing students: “The profession of nursing is challenging and rewarding all at the same time.  Everyday nurses are making sacrifices to make a difference in someone’s life.  We usually neglect ourselves to give to others.  If you inspire to be a nurse I challenge you to not only become a nurse, but inspire to be a great nurse.  My definition of a great nurse is someone that strives for equality, efficiency, safety, and positive outcomes.  He/she holds themselves to a high standard of care, compassion, integrity, accountability, and excellence.  Remember, anything that is great doesn’t come easy.” 

Shawntia lives in Rochester with her husband and two daughters.

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