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2007-2008 Catalog

Educational Programs

Liberal Education at Roberts Wesleyan College

Roberts Wesleyan College has two central objectives in planning and developing courses of study. The first is to provide a broad educational foundation. The General Education Program is the breadth component of the undergraduate curriculum, involving the study of several required areas to provide a common experience for all students (See General Education Division). The second objective is to offer studies that permit concentrations which meet requirements of career needs and academic interests.

A well-chosen program of general education will bring increased understanding of the relationship connecting the specialty field to the larger area of intellectual discipline and the needs of society. This General Education Program brings to the students a broad knowledge of their world. It should also aid the students in investigating the Christian heritage and strengthening their own spiritual lifestyles. (See Mission Statement.)

Building upon the broad base of the general education courses, students concentrate in fields known as majors. The work in these special departments meets vocational and professional needs for employment after graduation or the further requirements of technical, professional, and graduate schools.

Definition of Liberal Arts Credit

Liberal arts credits are those that expose the student to aesthetic, historic, philosophic, and scientific methodologies. Non-liberal arts credits are those that can be categorized as professional training. Applied music lessons & ensembles, art studios, accounting, business, computer programming, criminal justice, education, nursing, and social work courses are some examples of non-liberal arts classes.