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2016-2017 Student Catalog | Introduction

Our Core Values

Rootedness: We provide a theological education that is built upon the foundation of a deep, sustained engagement with biblical and historic Christianity.

Responsiveness: We equip our students to practice ministry that is wisely and faithfully responsive to the constantly changing contexts of our culture and world.

Respect-filled community: We affirm and learn from each person in our richly-diverse community of faith, regardless of such distinctives as denominational affiliation, ethnicity, gender, or age.

Scholarship: We value the life of the mind, so we offer a carefully-designed, intentionally-integrated academic program that cultivates an aptitude for faithful theological reflection about the most central questions of life and ministry.

Spiritual formation: We affirm that the indispensable foundation for Christian ministry is a vital relationship with God through Christ, and so we seek to provide a nurturing community in which genuine Christian faith can deepen and thrive.

Service to the church: We believe that a theological seminary does not exist for its own sake, but exists rather to serve and resource the church of Jesus Christ.