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March 27, 2017

Erin Bennett Co-Authors Article in Children & Libraries

Erin Bennett, Information Services Librarian, on the project leading to the publication of her first peer-reviewed article: 

The project behind the article “A Hook and a Book” involved summer reading programs at public libraries in the Syracuse area and was conducted during the years that I was at Syracuse University as a graduate student. I worked with two of my professors, who were the two other authors on the article, on the project. The purpose of the research was to look into the rewards that are offered as motivation for participation in summer reading programs. Do children read because of the intrinsic love of reading to learn something new or enjoy a good story? Or do they read because of the extrinsic motivation of iPads, gift cards, and ice cream vouchers? The research involved phone interviews with children enrolled in the reading programs to find out what they thought about the rewards and whether they had an impact on their choice to read. Surveys were also sent out to public librarians to find out about their programs and the rewards that were offered. To find out the results of the research, take a look at the article in the Spring Issue of Children and Libraries by clicking here!

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