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January 16, 2019

Tips to Make Your Spring Semester Start Fresh

Welcome back to Roberts for spring semester ‘19!  Did you know that the beginning of every semester is a fresh start?  Consider today a fresh start! 

Assess Last Semester

You've completed your fall semester and that’s quite a feat! Whether you did poorly in your academics last semester or “hit it out of the park”, this semester is a new start and you can make changes you’ve wanted to make and improve in areas that you feel you have struggled. Don’t feel discouraged if you failed a class or didn’t do as well as expected! Success is possible! Don’t let the failures of yesterday weigh you down. Learn from them but don’t let them discourage you. Look at areas that you may need to be more disciplined. Take advantage of the resources available to you on campus. If you have a difficult course this semester, go to the Learning Center and request a tutor who can help you with a class. It’s free and you have nothing to lose, everything to gain. Don’t forget to use the Writing Center to become a better writer for any stage of the writing process. Take advantage of these opportunities early on and you’ll thank yourself later.

Get Tips

Plan to attend the “Tips 4 Success Workshops” that are offered every Wednesday at noon in the Ellen Stowe Dining Room. These workshops are an opportunity to learn about how to manage your schedule efficiently, deal with stress and flourish in your relationships, just to name a few. Check out the full schedule.

Set Goals to Get Involved

If you felt socially isolated last semester, attend the events and activities that your RA and dorm offer. These are usually advertised on campus. You may feel like not attending, but make the effort to show up to those activities because you’ll probably enjoy them a lot and meet some new friends. Our goal is to organize and provide these events and your goal could be to meet a potential new best friend or future partner just by attending.

Put Yourself Out There

It’s normal to feel anxious about the new semester, feel a bit homesick or miss friends back home. Push through and in a few weeks’ time, you will be feeling more like yourself. In the meantime; reach out to others around you – friends, faculty, staff, trustworthy family members – or make an appointment with the Counseling Center on campus. 

Today is a perfect time to turn over a new leaf and bring out the best student in you. Thomas Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Don’t give up; follow these tips to make a fresh start for an amazing semester ahead!


For more information on the Learning Center, visit

For more information on the Writing Center, visit

For more information on the Counseling Center, visit

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