We are proud of the20,610 living alumni who are working in the fields of healthcare, social work, business, education, criminal justice, ministry, non-profits, the technology ind...
President Deana Porterfield follows every sport and sees herself as Roberts "head cheerleader." Watch this video to hear how she cheers on students for athletics and academics!
Celeste Donleavey, assistant dean of students and adjunct professor for first-year seminar and Jae Newman, director of internationalengagement joined Fox Rochester to shareabout th...
The construction on the Golisano Community Engagement Center is coming to a close. Artwork is being hung, carpet is being installed and last-minute details are in progress! We a...
Congratulations to Jamarr Myers’06, ‘08 (Business Administration, M.S. Strategic Leadership) on receiving a 2022 New York State Commendation Award for his work in the...
“I want to give my students whatever they need to be successful. Some days, that could be a really great math intervention and other days it could be a hug and a listening ea...
Oh come let us adore Him. Christ the Lord! May you be blessed with the gifts of faith, joy, peace, hope, family and friends this Christmas season. The season of Advent teaches ...
Faculty Professional Activity Award The Faculty Professional Activity Award, is presented annually to a faculty member in recognition of outstanding professional accomplishments...
The Nursing Club sweetened up a study break with a holiday tradition: decorating cookies together. “We wanted to provide a festive event for our students,” said Eliz...
Have you ever wanted to feel what it’s like to be a Redhawk? On Saturday, December 17th, high schoolers and their families will have that opportunity. Take just an hour a...
Program launching in January 2023 to develop leaders for campus and beyond In January 2023, Roberts Wesleyan University will launch Leadership You, a student development certifi...
What drew you to Roberts? The Pathway to Teaching program drew me to Roberts. I couldn’t ask for a better school with a more supportive environment and staff! I enjoy the...
Gabriel “Gabe” Ankamafio ‘07 (Biology) identified a need in his community, developed a hypothesis of a solution, tested the solution, got feedback and made adju...
Roberts Wesleyan University student-athletes were up bright and early last week supporting the Pirate Toy Fund alongside Obafemi “Femi” Alao, Assistant Director of At...
Usher in the season with your favorite songs and carols, performed by the Roberts Wesleyan University instrumental and vocal ensembles! Enjoy our chamber ensembles in the Kodak Atr...
There’s one important reason to visit Roberts Wesleyan University before the snow falls: so you won’t miss the rocks. Whether they were painted by a professor, student...