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Faith and Science Event
Time: All Day Event | Location: Buffalo Area

Information about Faith/Science luncheons happening this fall.

The first is quickly approaching! It is a special Friday night/Saturday event happening in Buffalo NY on September 18/19. The website is http://genesisrecast.com/wordpress/ - please visit this for more information. It is a very affordable conference that students can attend (7$ pre-registration or 10$ at door). They can go one or both days. Vans will be leaving Saturday around 7:15 and arriving back around 6pm

The second luncheon will be students sharing about their REU experiences. This will be on October 16th.

The final luncheon will be on November 13 and will likely be a follow-up discussion based around the Barnes symposium.

Event Link/Event Registration: http://genesisrecast.com/wordpress/