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School of Education and Social Work

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The School of Education and Social Work brings together two professionally accredited programs with a long standing history of excellence in education at both the undergraduate and graduate level. We provide a creative and supportive learning environment that encourages students to master requisite practice competencies while encouraging compassionate service.

The School of Teacher Education and Social Work is a local and regional leader. We are responsive, innovative, engaged, and collaborative in addressing the needs of you, the student, as you prepare for a career in education or social work.

Our programs challenge you to be a proactive learner who seeks excellence in yourself and others. We not only prepare you for a career, but also provide a transformational experience where you will serve others, your communities, and the world. Our graduates are highly sought after and work in virtually every school district and agency in the Greater Rochester area, as well as many other communities in New York State and beyond.


Contact Us

Sarah George | Teacher Education

Michele Kelly | Social Work