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April 13, 2015

Spring Greetings from Julie Grimm, Chair, Psychology Department

I am pleased to announce that the Psychology Department will be part of a new School at Roberts Wesleyan College – the School of Natural and Social Sciences!   We will be partnering with the Departments of Biological & Chemical Sciences, Criminal Justice, and Computer Science/Mathematics and Physics as this new school launches in July.   We are already imagining the possibilities as we think about merging our disciplines into this new School!   Looking out my window from the 4th Floor of Carpenter Hall, I can see the steady progress on the new Crothers Science and Nursing Building that our new colleagues will occupy July 1.   This beautiful facility is a very tangible and impressive sign of God’s grace and providence for Roberts Wesleyan College!  

As I walk across campus, I am reminded that spring has finally come after a very long winter!   The trees are budding, some of the bulbs are starting to sprout, and we finally can see the early promise of green grass.   By the time you read this, the campus will be alive with spring flowers and green-leaved trees.   I love Roberts Wesleyan College in the spring.

Spring is such a wonderful testimony to our Creator God.   The world just seems to unfold in so many new and often colorful ways. At the same time, we prepare to say good-bye to our graduating seniors and master’s students. It’s bittersweet as we celebrate their going forth to use their gifts and talents in the Kingdom, but also recognize our time together is coming to an end. Thankfully, we are also beginning to learn more about the new faces that will join us in the fall as undergraduates in Psychology and graduate students in School Psychology and School Counseling.   Things unfold for us; we also reach out in new ways.

Ted Loder pays tribute to this unfolding and reaching in his prayer -- Be with Me in My Unfolding (Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle, 1981, p. 126-127):


It is spring, Lord, and my blood runs warm with the song of the sap,

     longing for a beauty I would become.

          And there is the mystery and the smile of it.

The buds are swelling on the bush,

     the sun is beginning to coax the color from where it’s been

           curled against the cold, the air is sweet to the nostrils;

               even the city seems to be rubbing its eyes from a long sleep ….

Be with me in my reaching so I will be touched, this time,

     by a grace, a warmth, a light,

           to unfold my life to a new beginning, a fresh budding,

               a spring within as well as around me.

O Lord, you have sketched the lines of spring.

     Be with me in my reaching.

As always, we would love to hear from our alumni and friends!   Let us know what you are doing now.   Tell us about your family.   Send us the name of someone who might benefit from knowing more about our programs!   Let’s keep in touch!

Blessings and peace on your spring/summer!